söndag 24 oktober 2010

A cup of fall deliciousness

Ibland undrar man. Varför har vi inte Starbucks i Sverige. Kommer man fram till ett svar? Näpp! Så istället gråter man en skvätt och drömmer lite om Pumpkin Spice Latte.

"The ideal vision of fall: bright days that grow cool and call for warm knits as we walk under leaves that curl red and gold in a soft wind.

As friends come together to anticipate coming festivities or even to mourn the loss of summer, there is one warm treat that has come to stand above all others; that we get asked for again and again and again because people love it so much.

The Pumpkin Spice Latte is fall’s favorite drink and a small indulgence not to be missed. Signature espresso blended with the unmistakable spices of fall – cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove – smooth with steamed milk and topped with delectably sweetened whipped cream.

Whether fall is your favorite season or just a passage towards it, sweet and spicy pumpkin is sure to please."

Joråsåatte. Ni får ju inte tro att jag är avundsjuk. Inte alls.

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